Circulation Policy

Loan Periods

  • 21 Days: Books, non-fiction videos, CD-ROMs, spoken word and music CDs, cassettes and Interlibrary Loan materials.
  • 14 Days: Magazines.
  • 7 Days: All feature film videos, DVDs, and Ocean County College course videos.
  • 14 Days: Video games.
  • 28 days: Equipment, including but not limited to laptops, tablets, Chromebooks and WIFI hotspots. Please see our Tablet Laptop WIFI Hotspot Lending Policy.

Items can be returned at any of our 21 Ocean County Library branches, with the exception of Equipment. Equipment, including but not limited to; laptops, tablets, Chromebooks and WIFI hotspots must be returned, in person, to the branch where the Equipment was borrowed. Equipment may not be left on the service desk unattended, or be returned to a library book return; it must be handed directly to a staff member.

All materials EXCEPT browser copies and magazines may be renewed twice if not requested by another customer. Interlibrary Loan materials may be renewed once for an additional seven days.

Checkout Limits     
The total number of all items borrowed per library card will not exceed 60. The maximum number of video games borrowed per library card will not exceed 3. The total number of inter library loan items that may be requested per library card will not exceed 5. The total number of devices per library card for Ocean County residents will not exceed 1.

Fines and Fees Schedule


a. The Ocean County Library's fines and fees are established by the Library Commission reviewed annually.

Borrowing privileges are suspended when unpaid fines and fees and/or the value of overdue, unreturned material exceeds $25.00.

Refunds for lost materials paid for and then subsequently found and returned will be considered on a case by case basis by Library Administration.

b. OVERDUE FINES: Ocean County Library is now fine-free.

The Ocean County Library does not charge for day-to-day overdue fees for library materials except Equipment, as listed below. However, items considered Lost will be charged the full amount of the item, as enumerated in “Section c. Lost or Damaged Materials” below. After ten (10) days overdue, the cost of the item is charged to the customer's account.

  • $5.00 per day per item - Equipment, including but not limited to, Laptops/Tablets/Chromebooks and WIFI Hotspots, up to three (3) days. On the fourth day the item will be set to "Lost" status and the customer will be charged for the replacement of the item.



  • $.10 per page for black and white copies on Public photocopy machines
  • $.20 per page for color copies on Public photocopy machines
  • $.20 per page for computer printouts

Right to Know Law and Copy Fees

Library records are still considered confidential under this law and require a subpoena issued by a court before release. Types of materials that would require immediate access are budgets, bills, vouchers, contracts, including collective negotiations agreements and individual employment contracts, and public employee salary and overtime information.

A copy or copies of a government record may be purchased by any person upon payment of the fee prescribed by law or regulation (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5b)

  • $.05 per page Letter size page or smaller
  • $.07 per page Legal size page or larger

Fax or Mail

Information will be faxed or mailed to customers upon request.

  • Free — First 1-5 pages
  • $.20 — Over 5 pages each

Requests incurring charges up to $3.00 can be sent in advance of payment. If the charge is more than $3.00 payment must be received before the information will be sent.

Public fax machines are provided at selected branches through an outside vendor.

  • $1.75 — 1 page
  • $2.75 — 2 pages
  • $3.75 — 3 pages
  • $6.75 — 6 pages

Borrowers Cards

Borrowers Cards are replaced at no charge when a customer reports a lost or missing card. Worn out cards are replaced at no cost to customers.

Temporary Borrowers

A temporary card may be issued to an individual who does not qualify for a free library card upon payment of a nonrefundable $9.50 per month, up to $114.00 for the year.

One temporary borrower card will be issued per family. All members of the family are eligible to borrow items for the one fee. The total number of all items borrowed will not exceed 30.

Lost or Damaged Materials

Costs for lost or damaged materials are assessed as follows:

  • $5.00 — Magazines
  • Item Price — All other materials

Only new print items with matching ISBN numbers will be accepted as a replacement for lost or damaged items. Replacements for audio visual materials will not be accepted. Replacements for equipment will not be accepted.

Collection Agency Fee

  • $10.00 — Delinquent accounts referred to the collection agency

Returned Check Fee

  • $10.00 — Any returned check

Interlibrary Loan

  • $5.00 per item — Materials requested but not picked up by the customer

All charges levied by other institutions are the responsibility of the requesting customer.

Computers and equipment

  • Free — In-house use of computers and equipment, excluding printouts
  • Free — Devices for People with Disabilities
  • $2.00 — Blank CDs
  • $2.00 — Ear buds
  • $7.00 —USB Flash drives

Meeting Rooms

  • Free — Ocean County clubs and organizations
  • $50.00 — Out-of-County clubs and organizations holding programs not Co-sponsored by the Library

Used and Donated Materials (with suggested donation fees)

  • $1.00 per item — Hardcovers, Trade Paperbacks, Music CDs, Book on CD, Playaways, Video Games, DVDs
  • $.50 — Books on Cassette, Video Cassette
  • $.20 — Mass Market Paperbacks
  • $.10 — Children’s books















Meeting Rooms

A.10 Meeting Room

Most of the branches of the Ocean County Library contain meeting rooms. These rooms are intended for the Library’s use and for programs sponsored or co-sponsored by the Library. These rooms may be available for use by non-profit or community organizations during regular Library hours by advanced scheduling. The Bishop Memorial Library, located adjacent to the Toms River Headquarters Branch on Washington Street, is also covered by this policy and may be available as a meeting space at the discretion of the Library.

The Library does not endorse the views expressed by any group using its meeting rooms. This disclaimer is posted outside all Library meeting rooms. The Library, however, does endorse the right of groups to express their views as long as they follow the Rules of Conduct of the Library and engage in civil discourse.

Non-profit organizations may apply for the use of a meeting room via a Meeting Room Request Form, available on the Library website or from any branch. The form must be returned to the branch where the meeting/program will be held. Requests for equipment, easels, or other special needs should be made at this time.

Meetings must be booked for times when the Library is open. Meeting room capacities and branch hours vary by location. Meeting room assignments will be at the discretion of the Library. Meetings will be booked no more than three months in advance.

Meeting rooms are booked following these priorities:

Priority 1: Events conducted by the Library staff. These include public programs and meetings.

Priority 2: Events co-sponsored by the Library.  These may include municipal, county, state and federal government agencies, Friends groups, or other agencies working on a coopera­tive project with the Library.

Priority 3: Ocean County clubs and organizations holding programs independently of the Library.  These meetings must be open to the public and free of charge.  No selling of goods or services is to be conducted. A group may use one of the library system’s meeting rooms up to 6 times in a calendar year.

Priority 4: Businesses located in Ocean County may reserve the meeting rooms for employee training or community service programs. No selling of goods or services is to be conducted. A business may use one of the library system’s meeting rooms up to 2 times in a calendar year.

Priority 5: Out-of-County groups may use one of the library system’s meeting rooms up to 2 times a calendar year.  A $50.00 fee will be charged for out-of-county groups.

The Library reserves the right to cancel meeting room bookings in priorities 3, 4, and 5 up to 30 days before the scheduled date, if a priority 1 or 2 event requires that time slot.

Organizations using the Library meeting rooms must agree to the following:

  1. The Library’s Rules of Conduct are observed and enforced.
  2. No selling of goods or services is to be conducted. Organizations wishing to solicit funds during a program or meeting must comply with the Library’s policy on fundraising.
  3. The programs are free and open to the public.
  4. The Library must review all publicity before it is distributed to the public, and publicity should clearly indicate the name of sponsoring agency or agencies.
  5. A representative from the organization conducts and monitors the meeting.
  6. Beverages and light refreshments are permitted, but the room should be left clean.
  7. No alcoholic beverages or smoking are permitted.
  8. Content of the program should not differ from the original proposal.
  9. Gratuities to Library employees are not permitted. A donation to the library is acceptable, but not required.
  10. For attendance greater than 50, an announcement should be made prior to the program indicating the locations of the exits.
  11. The booking organization must notify the Library if the meeting or program is cancelled.
  12. The booking organization is responsible for any damage caused by the organization to Library property. The booking organization will be responsible for any cost, expense or liability incurred by the Library as a result of organization's use of the meeting room.
  13. The organization is responsible for set-up, break-down, and clean-up of the meeting room.
  14. Programs and clean-up will be completed 15 minutes before closing.

Failure to comply with any of the above procedures may also be cause to deny future use of the meeting room by any organization.

REVISED and APPROVED: OCEAN COUNTY LIBRARY COMMISSION - August 15, 2006; April 20, 2010; June 16, 2020; June 15, 2021; March 28, 2023

Computer Use and Internet Policy

The Ocean County Library provides customers with access to the information on the Internet, as part of its mission to provide a wide range of resources that serve the current and future informational, educational, and recreational needs of the county's population.

Please click on the following link to read the complete, "Computer Use and Internet Policy"

Internet Policy Revised and Approved - Ocean County Library Commission - October 19, 2004
Revised and Approved - Ocean County Library Commission - June 17, 2014

Please Note: The Ocean County Library requires registration and a form of ID in order to use the public internet computers.

Social Media Policy

A.23 Ocean County Library Social Media Policy


The Ocean County Library (The Library) has social media sites which are spaces where individuals can find useful information about The Library and learn about library services, programs, and resources. The Library does not seek out comments on social media sites.  Questions concerning The Library services, programs, events, and resources can be addressed by contacting The Library at the following address: or writing to the Ocean County Library, 101 Washington St., Toms River, NJ 08753.


Since the sole purpose of the Library’s social media sites is to inform the public of the Library’s services, programs and resources, no posts or comments from the public will be permitted on the Library’s social media sites. Posts and comments not originating with The Library will be hidden. Violations of our Social Media Policy may go unnoticed since our social media sites are not monitored by The Library 24/7. If you, as a user, notice any violations of the policy, please advise the Ocean County Library of those violations through one of the methods listed in

Information found on social media sites, not originating with the Ocean County Library, does not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of the Ocean County Library.  The Library disclaims liability for any information on social media not generated by The Library. Any posting made on The Library’s social media sites may be viewed by third parties not associated with The Library.

By using the Library’s social media sites, you agree to the terms of this Social Media Policy.

This revised Social Media Policy shall take effect upon posting on the Library’s website.

As of this date the Library social media sites are:




Use of Library

  1. Ocean County Library facilities are open for use by the general public. Service will not be denied because of age, race, religion, social or economic status, political affiliation, or any other discriminatory criterion.
  2. All persons residing in an Ocean County Library member municipality are entitled to an Ocean County Library card, issued free of charge, upon completion of an application card and presentation of identification which verifies residency. See amendment concerning the issuance of a library card at the end of this section.
  3. Students attending a school or college located in a member municipality may obtain a FREE library card. School identification will be accepted as verification.
  4. Teachers, school librarians in schools or colleges, the position of County Superintendent of Schools, and tutors or trainers affiliated with Literacy Volunteers of America - Ocean County Chapter are eligible for a FREE library card. School identification or membership affiliation will be accepted as verification.
  5. Persons who do not reside in a member municipality but who own property or own and operate a business in a member municipality, or are employed by the County of Ocean or by a member municipality, qualify for a FREE library card upon presentation of identification verifying ownership or employment.

EXCEPTIONS:  The Ocean County Library may enter into contractual agreements with other jurisdictions through which access to the Ocean County Library and its resources is provided. Usage is subject to terms and conditions of said agreements.

  1. Library privileges may be revoked or temporarily suspended due to activity or behavior which infringes on the ability of others to utilize the library and/or its resources, or which infringes on the ability of library employees to carry out their public service responsibilities. The Library's Rules of Conduct provide more detailed examples of inappropriate behavior.
  2. Please see A.1.g Ocean County Library Computer & Internet Use Policy for use of the Library’s computers and internet.
  3. Ocean County Library encourages children of all ages to visit the library and make use of its programs, resources, and services. The library strives to create a warm welcoming environment for our customers of all ages. Our goal is to connect children to library resources and develop a lifelong appreciation for libraries and their services.

The library is a public place and the safety of children is therefore a serious concern. Young children need to feel safe and secure, which may require the presence of an adult or caregiver. Children are generally able to occupy themselves for limited time periods, but may become bored and restless after extended periods in the library. The library does have expectations for appropriate conduct that apply to all our customers. In an attempt to be prepared for challenging situations, and primarily to make the library experience a positive one, Ocean County Library has established the following policy:

Unattended children when library is open:

Children under 6 may not be left unattended by an adult in any part of the library.  If children under the age of 6 are found without an adult, staff will attempt to locate the parent or adult caregiver. During story times or other programs, adults who are not attending the program with the child must remain in the building and be visible when their children return from the program.

Children ages 6 - 8 must have a parent or adult caregiver in the building with them at all times during the library visit. If children ages 6 – 8 violate the Rules of Conduct or become sick or distressed, staff will attempt to locate the parent or adult caregiver.

Children ages 9-12 are welcome to use the library unattended, but should not be left alone for extended periods of time. The parent will be the best judge of the appropriate time period for each child.  The library is a public space and, as such, cannot guarantee the safety of children. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children. If a child becomes anxious or disruptive, the staff will attempt to find the parent or caregiver in the library. If a parent or caregiver is not available, staff will call the child’s home. It is the responsibility of the parent or caregiver to be accessible to pick up the child at any time.

When unattended children under the age of 14 are present at library closing time, staff will notify the parents.  If a parent cannot be reached by 15 minutes past closing, county or local police may be called. Two adult staff will wait with the child outside the closed building until a parent or the police arrive. Staff will not wait inside the closed building or invite the child into their car. Under no circumstances will staff transport the child from the library building.

In accordance with NJSA 2A:53A-14,15 Negligence, the following conditions will be observed:  Parents have responsibility for the conduct of their children. A parent, guardian or other person having legal custody of a child under 18 years of age, who fails or neglects to exercise reasonable supervision and control of the conduct of the child, shall be liable in a civil action for any willful, malicious or unlawful injury or destruction by such child of the property of the library.

Amendment Concerning the Issuance of a Library Card

The signature of a parent or guardian is required for the issuance of a library card to minor children under the age of 17 years.

The Ocean County Library holds parents and guardians responsible for the fines and fees associated with books and materials borrowed by their minor children under 17 years of age. Minor children under the age of 17 years who do not follow the library’s rules of conduct, or computer and Internet use policy, or who disable, or otherwise work around the library’s computer filters, or damage library books, materials, computers and technologies may receive a warning  and a note may be place in their library card record.

For second offenses of not following the Library’s rules of conduct, a minor’s library privileges may be suspended for a period of time to be determined by the library.

The library may send a note home to the minor child’s parent or guardian informing them of their child’s warning or suspension due to failure to comply with the Library’s rules of conduct.

Parents and guardians who sign for a library card for a minor under the age of 17 should be aware of the following:

  1. The Ocean County Library’s selection of library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of children.
  2. The Ocean County Library’s providing computers and other technologies will not be inhibited by the possibility that children may come into contact with computers and other technologies.



Rules of Conduct

A.5.1 Rules of Conduct

The Ocean County Library Commission shall hold in trust and manage all property of the Library, including making proper rules and regulations for the government of the Library, and generally doing all things necessary and proper for the establishment and maintenance of a free public Library (NJSA 40:33-1 et seq). The Library is a public institution. Its patrons and staff expect a comfortable and safe atmosphere. To accommodate the broadest spectrum of individuals and foster a quiet and orderly atmosphere in the Library, it is necessary for the Library to establish reasonable Rules of Conduct. Violation of the Library’s Rules of Conduct shall result in suspension or limitation of Library privileges in the Ocean County Library.

The following activities are not permitted:

  1. Engaging in fighting or physically or verbally threatening other patrons or staff.
  2. Violent or tumultuous behavior, including talking loudly, making noise, running, jumping, pushing, shoving, throwing objects, skateboarding, playing in the elevators, stairwells, or entrances; or any behavior which creates a hazardous or physically dangerous condition, or which purpose is to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm; or which interferes with another person's use of the Library or with the Library staff's performance of their duties.
  3. Unreasonably loud and offensively coarse or abusive language.
  4. Being intoxicated or under the influence of cannabis or cannabis products. Hereafter, the word cannabis will include cannabis and cannabis products.
  5. Purposely or knowingly damaging property of the Library, including any portion of the buildings, surrounding grounds, or the contents. Examples include damaging restrooms, defacing furniture and walls, removing pages from books, destroying landscaping or other outdoor fixtures.
  6. Preventing or disrupting a lawful meeting, procession, or gathering through noisy or disorderly conduct or by physically interfering.
  7. Improper interfering with the quiet use of the Library or any meeting at the Library.
  8. Communicating in offensively coarse language or in any other manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm that interferes with another patron’s use of the Library or with staff’s performance of their duties.
  9. Striking, kicking, shoving, or other offensive touching, or threats to do so.
  10. Concealing, on or off the premises of the Ocean County Library, upon one's person or among their belongings, or upon the person or belongings of another, any Library property or portions of Library property, regardless of physical form, for the purpose of depriving the Library facility of its use or benefit. A security guard or employee of the Library who has probable cause for believing that a person has willfully concealed Library property and that the property can be recovered by taking the person into custody can detain the person in a reasonable manner for a reasonable time without being held civilly or criminally liable. The Ocean County Library will file a police report for theft of Library property.
    • Smoking or use of any drug constituting a controlled dangerous substance as defined by New Jersey law.
    • Ingestion or consumption of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, or other controlled products as defined by New Jersey law.
  12. Guide or service animals as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act and/or the New Jersey Law against Discrimination ARE permitted in the Library when accompanying a person with disabilities. The use or presence of animals in the Library that DO NOT meet the definition of guide or service animals provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act and/or the New Jersey Law against Discrimination is prohibited. No other animals are permitted in the Library unless they are part of an authorized educational program.
  13. Offensive bodily hygiene. Bathing and laundering clothes in the public restrooms are specifically not permitted.
  14. Eating or drinking, except in designated areas.
  15. Improper attire. Shoes, shirts, pants, shorts, or bathing suit cover-ups must be worn.
  16. Soliciting, gambling or panhandling, including distributing printed materials, signing petitions, or conducting surveys not authorized by the Library is prohibited.
  17. Carrying any instrument or object which could reasonably be classified as a weapon onto Library property, unless authorized by law to do so, or using Library facilities to manufacture a weapon, is prohibited.
  18. Using the Internet to display obscenity.
  19. Using the Internet for A. illegal activities or B. child pornography.
  20. Sleeping, except for young children under the supervision of a parent or caregiver.
  21. Oversized or unattended bags or carts. Unattended or abandoned items may be subject to seizure or removal from the Library.
  22. Unauthorized filming of any nature, photography, or video recording, without the express written authority of the Library Administration.
  23. Depositing bodily fluids on Library furnishings or property.
  24. Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children by parent or caregiver.
  25. Inappropriate exposure of the body, including, but not limited to failing to wear clothing covering the upper torso and genitals, and any conduct of a lewd or lascivious nature.
  26. Sexual Harassment of patrons or staff. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or unwanted sexual attention. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, obscene jokes, lewd comments, sexual depictions, repeated requests for dates, touching, staring, catcalling, stalking, or other sexual conduct committed on or off Library premises.





A.5.1.1 Policy on Suspension or Limitation of Library Privileges for Violation of the Library's Rules of Conduct: Banning Procedures

If a person's behavior in the Library, or on the grounds of the Library, violates the Ocean County Library Rules of Conduct, they are subject to suspension or limitation of Library privileges and may be banned from the Library. If a minor child violates the Rules of Conduct, in the Library, the child is subject to the Library's policy on Unattended Children.

When a person exhibits extreme, dangerous, or life-threatening behavior by creating a situation that is harmful to themselves or to others, then a Supervisor or Person-in-Charge may skip Warning and go directly to Banning.

The Library's banning procedure is as follows:

Warning: A Supervisor or Person-in-Charge will advise the person that their behavior violates the Ocean County Library Rules of Conduct and they must cease the behavior immediately or they will be asked to leave the library.

The Supervisor or Person-in-Charge will also provide the person with a written copy of the Ocean County Library Rules of Conduct.

Banning: If the person continues behavior that violates the Ocean County Library Rules of Conduct, the Supervisor or Person-in-Charge will inform the person that they must leave the Library.

If the person refuses to follow the instructions of Library personnel and leave the Library, the police will be called to remove the person from the premises.

Under no circumstances will a Library staff member touch the person.

A person may be banned from the Library for a specific amount of time for violation of the Library Rules of Conduct. The length of the ban will be based on the severity of the offense. The ban may be imposed by staff as follows:

  1. Branch Supervisor or Person-in-Charge of the branch may issue a ban for the remainder of the day on which the offense occurs.
  2. Branch Manager and Librarian Supervisor (Levels 3 and 4) may issue a ban for up to1 month to 6 months.
  3. Chief Librarians may issue a ban for up to 12 months.
  4. Assistant Library Director may issue a ban for up to 12 months or longer.
  5. Library Director may issue a ban for up to 12 months or longer in the absence of the Chief Librarian or the Assistant Library Director.

Notice of the ban will be delivered as follows:

  • A ban of 1-3 days will be delivered verbally to the customer.
  • Customers banned for 4 days or longer will be notified in writing. This notification may be hand delivered, mailed, or emailed to the last known address of the person being banned.
  • Once notification of a ban has been communicated to a customer, further visits to any Library property by the customer will result in an extension of the ban by a minimum of 30 days up to a maximum of 6 months.
  • The banning letter will state the reasons for the ban, the time when the ban will be lifted, and that further visits to any Library property by the customer during the banning period will result in an extension of the suspension by a minimum of 30 days up to a maximum of 6 months and is considered trespassing under N.J.S.A. 2c:18-3. A copy of the banning letter will be kept on file by the Branch Manager and Library Administration.

A banned person who enters any Library property before the banning period is over is considered trespassing on Library property. The procedure for this situation is as follows:

  • The Supervisor or Person-in-Charge will remind the person that they are banned and must leave the Library.
  • If the person refuses to leave the Library, the Supervisor or Person-in-Charge will call the police for help in removing the person from the premises.
  • The Supervisor or Person-in-Charge will update the banning letter to extend the suspension by a minimum of 30 days up to a maximum of 6 months.

Appeal Process:

A person who is banned from the Library for violation of the Rules of Conduct may request a reconsideration of the banning. The request must be in writing and made not later than 30 days from the receipt of the banning letter to: Library Director, Ocean County Library, 101 Washington Street, Toms River, NJ 08753. The written request must set forth their reasons for reconsideration of the ban. Final decision to modify or lift the ban rests with the Library Director, or with the Assistant Director if the Director is not available. All bans will remain in effect during the appeal process.



Camera Surveillance

The Library uses surveillance cameras in some of its facilities to complement other measures to ensure a safe and secure environment for customers and staff. The equipment helps to protect the library’s property against theft or vandalism and can assist in identifying intruders and persons breaking the law or violating the library’s Rules of Conduct.

Surveillance cameras are positioned to monitor public areas of the library that are not easily viewed from public service desks and staff areas where valuable library property is stored. Surveillance cameras are not used in rest rooms, nor are they positioned to identify a person’s reading, viewing or listening activities in the library.

Signs will be posted in all library facilities that are monitored by surveillance cameras.

Recorded information from security cameras is retained for one month, unless an incident occurs that requires holding the tape longer. In the event of a reported or observed incident, the recorded information may be used to assist in the investigation of the incident. The library will maintain control of and responsibility for the video security surveillance equipment at all times.

For investigations initiated by law enforcement, security camera tapes are only made available to law enforcement through a legal subpoena or warrant.  Recorded information that is subpoenaed will be retained for one year.

REVIEWED by Legal Counsel – April 2007

Smoking Policy


A. 25 Ocean County Library Smoke, Tobacco, and Cannabis Free Library Campus Policy


All Ocean County Library buildings, grounds, and vehicles are smoke, cannabis, and tobacco free. Tobacco and cannabis use and smoking in all forms, including the use of electronic cigarettes/vaping devices and smoke-free oral tobacco products are not permitted in any facility, vehicle, or on property owned by the Ocean County Library/County of Ocean.


The purpose of this policy is to provide comfortable, accessible facilities and a welcoming environment at Ocean County Library facilities.

This policy covers tobacco and cannabis use and smoking in all forms, including the use of electronic cigarettes/vaping devices and smoke-free oral tobacco products.

This policy applies to all persons, including employees, customers, and visitors to property owned by the Ocean County Library/County of Ocean.

Adopted by the Ocean County Library Commission on August 17, 2015.

Effective November 1, 2015.



Ocean County Library

Smoke, Tobacco, and Cannabis Free Library Campus Policy




1. Implementation:

a. Signs shall be posted at the entrance to Library buildings and property indicating:


b. Signs shall be posted in strategic locations throughout Library property indicating:



2. Enforcement/Compliance:

a. Any person who smokes in library buildings or on library grounds in violation of the policy is subject to the provisions of applicable laws, rules and regulations and/or library disciplinary action.

b. Ensuring compliance with the smoke, tobacco, and cannabis free library campus policy is the responsibility of the entire library community.

c. Non-compliance with the smoke, tobacco, and cannabis free library campus policy, as with non-compliance with the other rules of the library, should be brought to the attention of a library supervisor and/or library security guard.


3. Support:

a. The Library will provide training classes for library employees and the public on smoking cessation.

b. The Library will make books and other resources available for staff and the public on the topic of smoking cessation.


Ocean County Library Smoke, Tobacco and Cannabis Free Library Campus

  • Ocean County Library became tobacco free on November 1, 2015
  • The Library is smoke, tobacco and cannabis free to welcome all people to Ocean County Library.
  • Tobacco free properties will increase the Library's comfortable, accessible and welcoming environment for all people.


See Ocean County Library Smoke, Tobacco and Cannabis Free Library Campus policy.

Properties owned by the Library

Of the 22 Ocean County Library properties, the buildings and grounds of the 16 sites of the Ocean County Library owned by the Ocean County Library / County of Ocean will be smoke, tobacco and cannabis free. Those include:

  • Barnegat Branch
  • Berkeley Branch
  • Brick Branch
  • Jackson Branch
  • Lacey Branch
  • Lakewood Branch
  • Little Egg Harbor Branch
  • Long Beach Island Branch
  • Manchester Branch
  • Plumsted Branch
  • Point Pleasant Borough Branch
  • Stafford Branch
  • Toms River Branch
    • Bishop Memorial Library Building
  • Upper Shores Branch
  • Waretown Branch

Properties not owned by the Library

All buildings where the Ocean County Library/County of Ocean does not fully own the property and leased spaces in the Ocean County Library System will be smoke, tobacco, and cannabis free:

  • Bay Head Reading Center
  • Beachwood Branch
  • Island Heights Branch
  • Point Pleasant Beach Branch
  • Tuckerton Branch
  • Whiting Reading Center

Policy and Procedure

  • The policy defines the Library's properties as buildings, grounds and vehicles.
  • The policy defines tobacco as smoking in all forms, including the use of electronic cigarettes/vaping devices and smoke-free oral tobacco products.


  • The Library considered its decision to become tobacco and cannabis free as important to our mission of "Connecting People, Building Community and Transforming Lives" through the power of information, imagination and education. This includes the Library's information and educational role in advancing community leadership efforts to prevent chronic diseases and related risk factors.
  • Smoking at entrances to some libraries was making some people feel unwelcome.
  • It also was taking staff time away from providing services to enforcing the state law of no smoking near public entrances.




Makerspace Policy

A.21 Makerspace (Sparks's Lab) Policy

General Policies

  1. Makers will be courteous to other library customers and other Sparks 's Lab users. Makers will comply with all rules, procedures and restrictions developed by the Ocean County Library (OCL). This Sparks's Lab policy compliments and works in tandem with OCL’s Rules of Conduct, Use of Library, Meeting Room, and Computer & Internet Use policies.
  2. Prior to using the OCL Sparks's Lab, Makers must (a) complete a Maker Agreement Form; and (b) verify his/her identity with a valid Ocean County library card.
    1. A Minor without a valid library card may verify his/her identity with a library card and valid photo ID of a parent/legal guardian with appropriate legal authority to sign the Maker Agreement Form.
    2. Ocean County Library welcomes non-resident visitors to use the Sparks's La Non-resident visitors must show an approved form of identification, as per our Computer & Internet Use policy.
  3. Young children are the responsibility of their parents or caregivers and may not be left unattended in the Sparks's Lab. Makers under age 9 must be with their parents or caregivers in the Sparks's Lab at all times. Parent/caregiver supervision is recommended for all minors, as the lab contains potentially dangerous tools.
  4. Items used in the Sparks's Lab are to be returned in the same condition as they were issued, barring normal wear and tear.
  5. The Maker agrees to take precautions to avoid causing unnecessary mess or damage in the OCL Sparks's Lab. The Maker agrees to clean up his/her workspace in the OCL Sparks's Lab following use. The Maker agrees to inform the staff member in the case that they are unable to return a work surface, tool or equipment to its original state.
  6. The Maker acknowledges that the library is only able to provide consumable materials on a limited basis. The Maker agrees to avoid wasting consumable supplies and materials.
  7. If a Maker is having trouble with Sparks's Lab equipment, OCL staff may be contacted; however they may not be able to fix a problem immediately.
  8. The OCL does not accept responsibility if a project is destroyed, does not print correctly, or does not work.
  9. The Maker agrees that the OCL is not responsible for any manufacturing defects or the quality of workmanship of any of the tools, materials or equipment supplied by the Sparks's Lab, or for the quality or condition of a user’s project.
  10. Only OCL computers may be connected to OCL machines, such as 3D printers, cameras, video recorders, etc.
  11. Use of the OCL Sparks's Lab is intended for discovery, learning, entertainment and prototyping purposes. Production of goods to be sold for profit is contrary to the library’s mission and will not occur in the OCL Sparks's Lab.
  12. The OCL reserves the right to halt, delete, or disallow the creation of items that violate the Sparks's Lab policy. Makers are not permitted to create materials that are:
    1. Prohibited by local, state or federal law.
    2. Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others.
    3. Offensive, obscene, or racist.
    4. Functioning weapons.
    5. In violation of the library’s Code of Conduct, Computer Use Policy, or any other library or county policy.
    6. Violate patent, copyright, trademark, or otherwise infringe upon the intellectual property of others.
  13. Makers will not:
    1. Modify any hardware or software on the Sparks's Lab computers.
    2. Use the Sparks's Lab computers or equipment for illegal activities, advertising, lobbying or commercial purposes.
  14. Makers must provide their own external storage devices and/or media. All images, videos, recordings and projects will be removed from the Sparks's Lab equipment after use. OCL is not responsible for files (digital or print) left behind.
  15. Violation of the rules, responsibilities and agreements set forth in these policies may result in loss of library privileges. Willful misuse of the equipment will result in loss of use privileges.
  16. Some machines will be unavailable during programs.
  17. There is no guarantee of quiet in the Sparks's Lab. However, excessively boisterous behavior or activities prohibited by the OCL Rules of Conduct will not be permitted.
  18. The Sparks's Lab may not have more than 12 people inside the lab at any one time.
  19. The Sparks's Lab will maintain times for general use by the public as staffing allows. Likewise, groups and classes may reserve the Sparks's Lab on designated days, thus optimizing the space for the broadest use. Groups must follow the guidelines of the OCL Meeting Room policy and must fill out the accompanying application. A weekly calendar of SparkLab availability will be posted online and displayed near the Sparks's Lab entrance.
  20. Makers may use the Sparks's Lab for a limit of two hours per day, followed by 15 minute increments if no one is waiting to use the equipment/machine.
  21. Use of the Sparks's Lab is generally free. Use of some equipment and materials, however, may be subject to a fee.


Safety Guidelines

  1. The OCL provides the Maker with access to safety supplies in the Lab, including safety goggles, masks, gloves, First Aid Kits, and fire extinguishers.
  2. Certain tools and machinery have age requirements for use, which are listed on their Equipment Use Guidelines cards.
  3. Some tools require specific safety gear, which is described on the tool’s Equipment Use Guidelines card. All safety gear must be worn as appropriate.
  4. Certain items may also require hair and any dangling items, like jewelry, to be secured or covered before use.
  5. Appropriate close-toed shoes and clothing must be worn depending upon the activity.
  6. The Maker agrees that if any tool or piece of equipment becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair, he/she will immediately discontinue use of the tool and notify the OCL Sparks's Lab staff member.
  7. Makers must report any accident/incident that occurs on OCL Sparks's Lab premises to a staff member.


3D Printing Policy

  1. Makers are not permitted to create materials that are:
    1. Prohibited by local, state or federal law.
    2. Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others.
    3. Offensive, obscene, or racist.
    4. Functioning weapons.
    5. In violation of the library’s Code of Conduct, Computer Use Policy, or any other library or county policy.
    6. Violate patent, copyright, trademark, or otherwise infringe upon the intellectual property of others.
  2. The OCL reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request.
  3. The OCL reserves the right to view all 3D design files before printing.
  4. Only designated library staff will have hands-on access to the 3D printers.
  5. Makers must use 3D printing filament provided by the library. Variety and availability of filament colors may vary.
  6. Printed items must be picked up within seven days. Abandoned items will become property of the library and may be discarded.
  7. Unsuccessful prints:
    1. The library will reprint a design due to printer error (filament tangle, mechanical error, object falls off the build plate, etc.).
    2. Success of a print depends on the design of the object. The library offers regular instructional classes to customers who wish to learn about 3D printing best practices.
  8. Customer 3D design files will be deleted from library SD cards after the object has been printed.


OCL Sparks's Lab Maker Agreement



Exhibit & Display Policy


Community Exhibits

As an educational, cultural, and informational institution, the Library provides space for exhibits and displays by a community group, agency, organiza¬tion, or individual to satisfy community needs, and as another way to provide information.  Space is available on a "first come, first served" basis when the space is not being used by the Library.  The exhibiter is limited to one exhibit per branch a year. It is the exhibiter's responsi¬bility to arrange for an aesthetically pleasing display and to maintain it.

The maximum insured value of each exhibited item shall not exceed $500.00.

Prior to display, exhibitor will submit a physical or digital contact sheet of all items to be displayed at the Library for approval by a designated representative of the Library.

Organizations or individuals not affiliated with the library are not permitted to solicit donations from customers through receptacles, exhibits or any other means.

A commercial company may exhibit as long as the primary purpose of its display is informational and/or educational and not of a promotional nature for the company.

Exhibits, displays, flyers and brochures may be shown and/or distributed as long as they have been approved by the Library. Displaying and distributing material does not in any way signify an endorsement by the Library of the contents or of the sponsoring organization.

The Library welcomes expression of all viewpoints.  However, exhibits and displays may not contain the following:
Material that threatens violence or intimidation of any individual or group;
Obscene material, as defined in NJSA 2C:34-2 Obscenity for persons over 18 and NJSA 2C:34-3 Obscenity for persons under 18
Works which are for sale may be purchased in accordance with individual arrangements with the artist.  Library staff does not participate in any of these arrangements.  Artists may post a statement about their work, but price tags are not permitted.  The artist may bring a guest book with price list.

Transporting, unloading, hanging and arrangements of exhibits shall be the responsibility of the artist under the supervision of a Library representative.  If the exhibiter needs assistance in this effort, it is their responsibility to bring someone to assist. No modification of the library facility will be permitted for the installation of an exhibit.

Exhibits are scheduled and coordinated through each individual branch library.

Before the library can confirm an exhibit date, the organization or individual must complete a Library Exhibit Application form containing information about the nature and purpose of the exhibit.  The organization must also submit an Ocean County Library Exhibitor Inventory Form listing the items to be displayed.

Individuals who display their craft, collection or hobby are required to sign a release form, although library staff will protect the exhibit to the best of their ability.  In the event of a library-related need, staff will move items if exhibitor cannot be contacted to do so.

Holiday Displays

The nature of Library holiday displays will be determined by each individual Library location. If a location chooses to incorporate religious symbols into its display, it will strive to be balanced and representative.


Tablet Laptop WIFI Hotspot Lending Policy

A.22 Ocean County Library Tablet/Laptop/WIFI Hotspot Lending Policy

  1. The borrower of the device must have an Ocean County Library card in good standing.
  2. At check out, the user of the device must sign a “Tablet/Laptop/WIFI Hotspot Lending Agreement” form and initial all places indicated.
  3. The device must be returned, in person, to the service desk. The device may not be left on the service desk unattended, or be returned to a library book return; it must be handed directly to a staff member.
  4. If the device or any accessory is lost or damaged, the user will be responsible for all costs required to replace the device or accessory.
  5. The borrower of the device accepts the Ocean County Library’s Internet Policy and is aware that the device is compliant with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and therefore includes Internet filtering.
  6. The device can be checked out for 4 weeks at a time. Time may be extended if no other customers are in need of using the device.
  7. The user may not save any documents or applications on the device. The device will be wiped clean of any added applications or documents upon return. Users are encouraged to save their work via a USB drive, self-e-mail, cloud storage, or file sharing software before the device is returned.
  8. The Ocean County Library assumes no responsibility for any damage to the user’s personal devices, software, files, and/or equipment.
  9. Tampering with the device or attempting to access or modify the operating system or any other software or programming, including bypassing security functions, is strictly prohibited.




Sensory Room Policy

A.26  Ocean County Library Sensory Room Policy

General Policies: During times when the Sensory Room is open the following policy will apply:

  1. The Sensory Room is designed for users who are sensitive to typical sensory input.
  2. Users of the Sensory Room will comply with all rules, procedures, and restrictions developed by the Ocean County Library (OCL). This Sensory Room policy compliments and works in tandem with OCL's Rules of Conduct, Use of Library, Meeting Room, and Computer & Internet Use policies.
  3. Young children are the responsibility of their parents or caregivers and may not be left unattended in the Sensory Room. Parent/caregiver supervision is required for all minors, as the Room contains a variety of equipment that requires supervision.
  4. Items used in the Sensory Room are to be returned in the same condition as they were issued, barring normal wear and tear and are not available for checkout.
  5. The User agrees to take precautions to avoid causing unnecessary mess or damage in the OCL Sensory Room. The User agrees to clean up after use, and to inform staff member in the case of any issues.
  6. Advertised equipment may not always be available for use.
  7. If a User is having trouble with Sensory Room equipment, OCL staff will provide assistance; however they may not be able to fix a problem immediately.
  8. The User agrees that OCL is not responsible for any manufacturing defects or the quality of workmanship of any of the equipment in the Sensory Room.
  9. Use of the OCL Sensory Room is intended for users to interact with a variety of multi-sensory items in a comfortable space. The equipment in the room, or programs that take place in the room, is not intended to replace any prescribed therapies.
  10. Violation of these rules, and the Library Rules of Conduct, and the responsibilities and agreements set forth in these policies may result in loss of library privileges. Willful misuse of the equipment will result in loss of use privileges.
  11. Visitors will adhere to appropriate occupancy limits as noted by the Library.
  12. The Sensory Room may not be used by professionals to conduct any form of therapies without preapproval by Library Staff.
  13. The User agrees that if any piece of equipment becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair, he/she will immediately discontinue use of the item and notify the OCL Sensory Room staff member.
  14.  Users must immediately report any accident/incident that occurs in OCL Sensory Room to a staff member.



Filming in the Ocean County Library Policy

A.27 Filming in the Ocean County Library Policy

The case of Kreimer v. Morristown et al. 958 F. 2d 1242 (3rd Cir. 1992) designates libraries as limited public forums. Library patrons cannot engage in many traditional First Amendment activities in the library such as making speeches or participating in other conduct that would disrupt the quiet and peaceful use of a library. The Ocean County Library (hereinafter Library) is a limited public forum and may establish reasonable rules of conduct for activities in its libraries. Unregulated filming (including photography and videos) in a library can be disruptive to patrons and staff and in some instances interfere with the confidentiality and privacy rights of Library patrons.

Understanding there is a potential chilling effect caused by filming of individuals using a library and a potential threat to the library user's right to privacy, and a possible threat of disruption posed by filming in the library, it is reasonable for the Library to regulate filming in the Library.

The Ocean County Library Rules of Conduct provide that, unauthorized filming of any nature, photography, or video recording in the library, without the express written authority of the Library, is prohibited.

Any person or organization desiring to film in a library must obtain the written authority of the Ocean County Library and abide by the following:

  1. Filming in the library must not interfere with any patron's quiet use and enjoyment of the library and its facilities.
  2. Filming is prohibited in the nonpublic areas of the library including but not limited to administrative and staff areas, and restrooms. Filming of sensory rooms while being used is not permitted.
  3. Filming in the library shall not identify any patrons' reading material, or other use of library services and materials by a Library patron.
  4. The person filming will honor the requests by anyone who does not wish to be photographed or recorded. A minor under the age of 18, requires the permission of the minor's parent or guardian to be photographed. The Library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining this permission.
  5. Anyone filming shall not, harass, intimidate, or threaten a patron or staff member, or obstruct library aisles, walkways, stairwells, doors, or exits including with any filming equipment such as tripods, stand-alone lighting equipment, microphones, or other accessories.
  6. Any consent to film granted by the Library pursuant to this Policy may be revoked at any time upon the Filmer's failure to comply with terms and conditions of this Policy or other rules and policies of the Library. Failure to abide by the filming Policy will result in a one day banning from the library for each failure to abide by the Policy.
  7. Persons involved in filming in a library are solely liable for any injuries to persons or property that result from their activities on library property. They also have sole responsibility for obtaining all necessary releases and permissions required by law from persons who can be identified in any photograph or video or for copyrighted materials. The Library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases or permissions.
  8. Any person or organization desiring to film in the Library can obtain an application for filming from a library branch manager or the Library administration. Once the application is completed and approved filming can commence.


The Library allows news media photographers and reporters, with bona fide press credentials, who are doing stories or projects that directly involve the library and its programs to film in the Library. The Library requests that news media contact the manager or Library Administration at the location where the filming is to take place prior to any planned filming. The news media must adhere to the Policy that apply to all filming in the Library.


In general, the Library does not permit commercial photography inside a library facility. This includes, but is not limited to, using a library as a stage set for model photography, engagement or wedding photography, product photography or as a recording location for television or online advertising regardless of whether the advertised goods or services relate to the library. The Library may grant exceptions to this policy upon written request of the commercial photographer which request must include specifics of the proposed filming project and provide insurance coverage acceptable to the Library naming the Library as an insured.


Ocean County area organizations that regularly partner with the Library, on Library events, may film during these events. If one of the Library's partner organizations desires to film an event that is scheduled to take place within a library, that partner must request permission to film, in advance, to the respective branch manager or Library Administration and adhere to the Policy that apply to all filming in the Library.


Groups meeting in a library community room may arrange for photography during their event. Filming for such events is restricted to the space reserved by the group, may not take place in other areas of the library and must comply with Library Policy regarding filming in the Library.


The Ocean County Library frequently engages in filming during programs and events for its own publicity and promotional purposes, including its website, annual report and social media. The Library will abide by the rules concerning filming in the Library. Library staff will make every effort to notify members of the public when filming is taking place. Please notify a library staff member if you do not want to be photographed.


Meetings subject to New Jersey's Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) which take place in the Library system may be filmed, without Library permission, provided that the filming does not disrupt the business of the meeting nor physically interfere with the conduct of the meeting or the public's access to the meeting.

