Educator Cards come with privileges unique to your position as an Educator and is intended for professional use only. If you do not already have an Ocean County Library card for your own personal use, we encourage you to apply at any of our 21 Ocean County Library locations or use our online Library Card Application.
The following are some important details about the privileges associated with Educator Cards:
Borrowing Limits: Up to 50 physical items may be checked out on your card at a time, with the exception of video games, which have a limit of 3 checkouts.
Loan Periods: 40 day loan period on physical books, audiobooks, and non-fiction DVDs; 7 day load period on Feature Films (DVD and Blu-Ray); standard loan periods on all other items physical and digital apply (e.g. magazines, CDs, video games, digital downloads).
Renewals: No renewals on 40 day items; up to 2 renewals on all other eligible items; subject to library restrictions governing renewals.
Hold Requests: Up to 50 holds allowed on eligible items; please cancel any requests that you decide you no longer need.
Checkouts: Items may be borrowed from any of the 21 Ocean County Library locations.
Returns: Return borrowed items at any of the 21 Ocean County Library locations. Return them promptly to avoid late charges.
Fines: Standard fine rates apply; borrowing privileges are suspended when unpaid fines and fees and/or the value of overdue, unreturned material exceeds $25.00.
Library Notices: Will be sent to you via your preferred method of notification when a requested item is on hold for you, when a borrowed item is near it due date, and when an item is overdue.
Card Expiration: Your card will expire on June 30th of the current school year. To renew your privileges in the fall, present the same documentation provided for your initial registration. Use your personal library card for borrowing during the summer months.