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Curtain Up! ‘Broadway at the Shore’ at the Ocean County Library Waretown Branch

March 22, 2024

WARETOWN – Enjoy the melodies that light up New York’s theater district without traveling to New York City. Join singer Cosette Lyncheski for “Broadway at the Shore” at the Ocean County Library Waretown Branch, 6 PM Monday, April 22.

This seasoned professional vocalist will perform memorable music old and new, from Broadway’s Golden Age to the present, that have become part of her repertoire through her 15-year career.

Cosette is an alumna of New York’s Wagner College, where she studied theater arts and trained extensively in classical music. The multifaceted artist avidly participates in local productions and serves as a music director for children’s theater presentations.

Beyond the stage, Cosette’s vocal talents are consistently in demand for weddings and funerals in Ocean County. Performances at libraries, senior centers and assisted living facilities illustrate her dedication to bringing the joy of music to diverse audiences.

Please register at. to attend this free program sponsored by Friends of the Waretown Library.

The Friends are volunteers who support the Library through fundraising, programs and advocacy. New members are always welcome. Applications can be found at all OCL branches and reading centers and at

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